I. Reviewed Journal Papers

  1. Shimomura, Y., Hara, T., Watanabe, K., Sakao, T., Arai, T., Tomiyama, T., 2005, “Proposal of the Service Engineering (1st Report) – Service Modeling Technique for the Service Engineering-.” Journal of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 71, pp. 669 – 676 (in Japanese).
  2. Sakao, T., Hara, T., Watanabe, K., Shimomura, Y., 2005, “Proposal of the Service Engineering (2nd Report) – Service Design Methodology for Service Engineering -,” Journal of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 71, pp. 2614-2621 (in Japanese).
  3. Watanabe, K., Yamagishi, M., Akasaka, F. and Shimomura, Y., 2010, “Proposal of the unified methodology of revenue management and service design,” The Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, Vol. 9, Issue 3, pp. 249-259.
  4. Watanabe, K., Kimita, K. and Shimomura, Y., 2010, “Requirement Negotiation Process for the Design of Cooperative Services,” CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science & Technology, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 192-197. doi
  5. Watanabe, K., Mikoshiba, S., Tateyama, T. and Shimomura, Y., 2012, “Service Process Simulation for Integrated Service Evaluation,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing,Special issue on: Service Computing and Service Oriented Enterprise Systems in Design, Manufacturing and Supply Chain, Springer, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 1379-1388. doi
  6. Watanabe, K., Shimomura, Y., 2013, “Cooperative Service and its Design Process,” Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 38-52 (in Japanese).
  7. Tateyama, T., Mikoshiba, S., Watanabe, K., Chiba, R., Shimomura, Y., Kawata, S., 2013, “A Multi-Aspect Modeling Method for Service Flow Simulation Using Scene Transition Nets (STNs),” Journal of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 79, pp. 418-428 (in Japanese).
  8. Watanabe, K., Nishimura, T., Motomura, Y., 2015, “Product and Process Design Support based on ‘COTO’ Database,” Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 383-392 (in Japanese).
  9. Watanabe, K., Fujimitsu, S., Harada, Y., Yamada, K., Sunaga, T., Kobayakawa, M., Niino, Y., Sakamoto, Y., Nishimura, T., Motomura, Y., 2015, “Development of a Support System to Represent and Share Work Experience for Nursing Services,” IPSJ Journal, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 137-147 (in Japanese).
  10. Miwa, H., Watanabe, K., Fukuhara, T., Nakajima, M., Nishimura, T., 2015, “Measurement and description of nursing-care service process,” Transactions of the JSME, Vol. 81, No. 822 (in Japanese).
  11. Watanabe, K., Fukuda, K., Nishimura, T., 2015, “A Technology-Assisted Design Methodology for Employee-Driven Innovation in Services,” Technology Innovation Management Review, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 6-14. doi *open access*
  12. Kimita, K., Watanabe, K., Miwa, H., Shimomura, Y., 2016, “An Employee Participatory Process of Skill Structure Modeling for On the Job Training in Service Industries,” Journal of the Japanese Society for Precision Engineering, Vol. 82, No. 6, pp. 602-607 (in Japanese).
  13. Watanabe, K. and Mochimaru, M., 2017, “Expanding Impacts of Technology-Assisted Service Systems Through Generalization: Case Study of the Japanese Service Engineering Research Project,” Service Science, Vol. 9, Issue 3, pp. 250-262. doi accepted manuscript
  14. Watanabe, K., Hyytinen, K., Tuovila, T., 2018, “Challenges in Integrating Assistive Technologies into Elderly-Care Services: Comparative Study between Japan and Finland,” European Review of Service Economics and Management, No. 6, pp. 97-122. doi *open access*
  15. Watanabe, K., Okuma, T., Takenaka, T., 2020, ”Evolutionary design framework for Smart PSS: Service engineering approach,” Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol. 45, 101119. doi accepted paper
  16. Takenaka, T., Nishikoori, H., Nishino, N., Watanabe, K., 2020, ”Re-design of service systems based on employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction and labour productivity,” European Review of Service Economics and Management, No. 10, pp. 17-47. doi
  17. Miwa, T., Watanabe, K., Niemelä, M., 2021, “Classification of Care Assistive Technology Based on the Relationship Between Users and Technologies,” Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 858-867. doi *open access*
  18. Itoh, S., Miwa, H., Wu, V. X., Okuyama, A., Watanabe, K., Ikeuchi, T., Wakui, T., 2021, “Acceptance of care technologies to support activities of daily living by middle-aged and older adults in Japan: a cross-sectional study,” International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances, Vol. 3, 100042. doi *open access*
  19. Ho, B.Q., Otsuki, M., Kishita, Y., Kobayakawa, M., Watanabe, K., 2022, “Human Augmentation Technologies for Employee Well-Being: A Research and Development Agenda,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1195. doi *open access*
  20. Akasaka, F., Watanabe, K., 2022, Towards Building Infrastructure for Living Lab Practices, The Transactions of Human Interface Society, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 11-23 (in Japanese). doi *open access*
  21. Kishita, Y., Watanabe, K., Otsuki, M., Ho, B.Q., Kobayakawa, M., 2022, “Roadmap Design for Envisioning Future Workstyles Using Human Augmentation Technologies,” IEEE Engineering Management Review, Vol. 50, Issue 2, pp. 156-164. doi
  22. Tsunetomo, K., Watanabe, K., Kishita, Y., 2022, “Smart product-service systems design process for socially conscious digitalization,” Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 368, 133172. doi accepted paper
  23. Akasaka, F., Mitake, Y., Watanabe, K., Shimomura, Y., 2022, “A framework for ‘configuring participation’ in living labs,” Design Science, Vol. 8, e28. doi *open access*
  24. Watanabe, K., Miwa, H., Wakui, T., 2023, “Technology Integration in Care Service Systems: The Required Actions of Technology Developers,” IEEE Engineering Management Review, Vol. 51, Issue 1, pp. 129-142. doi accepted paper
  25. Ikeuchi, T., Itoh, S., Miwa, H., Watanabe, K., Wakui, T., 2023, “Does Smartphone Use Make Older Adults Feel Younger? A Cross-Sectional Online Survey during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 20, No. 3, 1710. doi *open access*
  26. Watanabe, K., Ho, B., 2023, “Avatar-mediated service encounters: impacts and research agenda, ” The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 43, Issue 3-4, pp. 134-153. doi accepted manuscript
  27. Lyu, Q., Watanabe, K., Umemura, H., Murai, A., 2023, “Design-thinking skill enhancement in virtual reality: A literature study,” Frontiers in Virtual Reality, Vol. 4, 1137293. doi *open access*
  28. Akasaka, F., Mitake, Y., Watanabe, K., Tsutsui, Y., Shimomura, Y., 2023, “Development of a self-assessment tool for the effective management of Living Labs,” Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Vol. 70, 101783. doi
  29. Watanabe, K., Miwa, H., Wakui, T., Kajitani, I., 2024, “Adopting the service system view toward successful implementation of assistive technologies,” Geriatrics and Gerontology International, Vol. 24, Issue S1, pp. 74-80. doi *open access*
  30. Watanabe, K., Umemura, H., Mori, I., Amemiya, S., Yamamoto, Y., 2024, “Transforming informal communication in the urgent shift to teleworking: a case study in Japan,” Frontiers in Communication, Vol. 9, 1361426. doi *open access*
  31. Akasaka, F., Mitake, Y., Watanabe, K., Nishikawa, Y., Ozawa, J., Shimomura, Y., 2024, “Designing a Digital Service System for Sustainable Social Value Creation: A Holistic Design Method Based on Socio-Cyber-Physical System Perspectives,” Sustainability, Vol. 16, No. 21, 9532. doi *open access*
  32. Akasaka, F., Oura, F., Watanabe, K., 2025, “A Design School for Social Innovation: Reflections on a Pilot Case in Japan,” International Journal of Art & Design Education, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 254-271. doi link

II. Books

  1. Watanabe, K., Shimomura, Y., Matsuda, A., Kondoh, S. and Umeda, Y., 2007, “Upgrade Planning for Upgradeable Product Design,” Quantified Eco-Efficiency. An Introduction with Applications -Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science Series-22, Chapter 11, pp. 261-281.
  2. Shimomura, Y. and Watanabe, K., 2013, “Modeling Services and Service-Centered PSS Design,” In Kauffman, J. Lee, K.M. (eds.) Handbook of Sustainable Engineering, Chapter 34.
  3. Watanabe, K., Mochimaru, M. and Shimomura, Y., 2016, “Service Engineering Research in Japan: Towards a Sustainable Society,” In Jones, A., Ström, P., Hermelin, B., Rusten, G. (eds.) Services and the Green Economy, Chapter 10, pp.221-244. doi
  4. Niemelä, M., Watanabe, K., Aaltonen, I., Heikkilä, P., Hyytinen, K., Kulju, M., Lammi, H., Muhammad, A., Määttä, H., Tammela, A. and Ylikauppila, M., 2018, “Meaningful technologies for seniors: comparing Finland and Japan,” In Ailisto, H., Leikas, J. (eds.) Ageing and Technology, VTT Research Highlights 14, pp. 140-145. Link
  5. Watanabe, K. and Niemelä, M., 2019, “Aging and Technology in Japan and Finland: Comparative Remarks,” In Toivonen, M., Saari, E. (eds.) Human-Centered Digitalization and Services, Springer Nature Singapore, pp. 155-175. doi
  6. Watanabe, K. and Shimomura, Y., 2019, “Service Design,” In Matsuoka, Y. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Design Science, Maruzen Publishing, pp. 86-91 (in Japanese).
  7. Watanabe, K., 2020, section 3, 4, 8 and 9 (translation), In Kowalkowski, C., Ulaga, W., Toya, K., Mochimaru, M., Servitization Strategy for B2B Industries (Japanese edition of Service Strategy in Action) Toyo-Keizai Inc. (in Japanese).
  8. Watanabe K., Takenaka T. and Okuma T., 2021, “Digitalization Toward Innovative Workplaces: Service Engineering Research in Japan,” In McMurray A., Muenjohn N., Weerakoon C. (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Innovation. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 243-258. doi
  9. Watanabe, K., 2023, “Smart Product-Service Systems,” In Gallouj, F., Gallouj, C., Monnoyer, M.-C., Rubalcaba, L. (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Services, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 199-201. doi
  10. Tuovila, H., Watanabe, K. and Hyytinen, K., 2023, “Elderly care services in the future: The role of technology,” In Gallouj, F., Gallouj, C., Monnoyer, M.-C., Rubalcaba, L. (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Services, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 559-560. doi
  11. Watanabe, K., 2023, “Augmented telework with avatar technology: impact on workplace and required actions,” In Oeij, P.R.A., Dhondt, S., McMurray, A.J. (eds.) A Research Agenda for Workplace Innovation: The Challenge of Disruptive Transitions. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp.51-66. doi
  12. Watanabe, K. and Ho, B. Q., 2025, “Human augmentation technology as a driver of enhanced service experiences,” In Kristensson, P., Witell, L., Zaki, M. (eds.) Handbook of Service Experience. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 191–203. doi
  13. Kishita, Y., Watanabe, K. and Kimita, K., 2025, “Co-designing sustainable product–service systems,” In Kristensson, P., Witell, L., Zaki, M. (eds.) Handbook of Service Experience. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 217–227. doi

III. Refereed Conference Paper (International)

  1. Shimomura, Y. , Watanabe, K., Arai, T., Sakao, T. and Tomiyama, T., 2003, “A Proposal for Service Modeling,” In Proceeding of the Third International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (Eco Design 2003), pp.75-80.
  2. Sakao, T., Watanabe, K. and Shimomura, Y., 2003, “A Method to Support Environmentally Conscious Service Design Using Quality Function Deployment (QFD),” In Proceeding of the Third International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing (Eco Design 2003), pp. 567-574.
  3. Matsuda, A., Watanabe, K., Shimomura, Y., Kondo, S. and Umeda, Y., 2004, “Development of Planning Support System for Upgradeable Product Design,” In Proceeding of the International Eco-Efficiency Conference / Eco-Efficiency for Sustainability: Quantified Methods for Decision Making, p. 50.
  4. Tomiyama, T., Shimomura, Y. and Watanabe, K., 2004, “A Note on Service Design Methodology,” In Proceedings of Design Theory and Methodology – DTM’04 -, CD-ROM.
  5. Watanabe, K., Shimomura, Y., Sakao, T., Raggi, A. and Petti, L., 2004, “Application of a Service Modeling Tool to Hotel Industry,” In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on EcoBalance -Development and Systematizing of EcoBalance tools based on Life-Cycle-Thinking-, CD-ROM.
  6. Watanabe, K., Kimita, K. and Shimomura, Y., 2009, “Requirement Negotiation Process for the Design of Cooperative Services,” In Proceedings of the 42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, CD-ROM.
  7. Watanabe, K., Kimita, K., Tateyama, T. and Shimomura, Y., 2009, “Requirement Negotiation for Feasible Service Development,” In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Engineering Design, CD-ROM.
  8. Watanabe, K., Kimita, K., Akasaka, F. and Shimomura, Y., 2009, “Requirement Analysis and Negotiation for Feasible Service Development,” In Proceedings of the ASME 35th Design Automation Conference, CD-ROM.
  9. Oki, K., Watanabe, K., Chiba, R. and Shimomura, Y., 2010, “A Method for Supporting Service Design based on Multiple Domain Knowledge,” In Proceedings of the 36th Design Automation Conference – DAC2010 -, CD-ROM.
  10. Kitai, Y., Oki, K., Kimita, K., Watanabe, K., Chiba, R. and Shimomura, Y., 2011, “A Proposal for Service Design Support System using Knowledge from Web Resources,” In Proceedings of the 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, CD-ROM.
  11. Chiba, R., Akasaka, F., Tateyama, T., Watanabe, K. and Shimomura, Y., 2011, “Contents Parameter Design using Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization for Service Improvement,” In Proceedings of the 44th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, CD-ROM.
  12. Shimomura, Y., Watanabe, K., Akasaka, F. and Kimita, K., 2011, “Fan Out of Japanese Service Engineering -the State of the Art-,” In Proceedings of CIRP IPS2 Conference 2011, pp. 15-20.
  13. Watanabe, K., Mikoshiba, S., Tateyama, T., Shimomura, Y. and Kimita, K., 2011, “Service Design Methodology for Cooperative Services,” In Proceedings of the ASME 16th Design for Manufacturing and the Lifecycle Conference, CD-ROM.
  14. Tateyama, T., Kawata, S., Shimomura, Y., Watanabe, K. and Chiba, R., 2011, “Scene Transition Nets Simulator for Multi-aspect Modeling of Discrete-continuous Hybrid Systems,” In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2011), Vol.2, pp.467-474.
  15. Tateyama, T., Mikoshiba, S., Kimita, K., Watanabe, K., Chiba, R., Shimomura Y. and Kawata, S. 2012, “A Multi-aspect Modeling Method for Service Flow Simulation Using Scene Transition Nets (STNs),” In Proceedings of the 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conference – IDETC2012 -, CD-ROM, The American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), Chicago, U.S.A.
  16. Watanabe, K. and Shimomura, Y., 2012 “Design of Cooperative Service Process for Effective PSS Development,” In Proceedings of CIRP IPS2 Conference 2012, CIRP, Tokyo, Japan, pp.321-326.
  17. Tateyama, T., Kimita, K., Watanabe, K., Chiba, R., Shimomura, Y. and Kawata S., 2012, “A Service Flow Simulation Method using Multi-aspect Scene Transition Nets (STNs) Modeling,” In Proceedings of CIRP IPS2 Conference 2012, CIRP, Tokyo, Japan, pp.297-302.
  18. Watanabe, K. and Nishimura, T., 2013, “Interpersonal Service Support Based on the Employee’s Activity Model,” In Yamamoto S. (ed.), Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and Interaction for Learning, Culture, Collaboration and Business, 15th International Conference, HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA, Proceedings, Part III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8018, pp 401-409.
  19. Kurita, Y., Kimita, K., Watanabe, K. and Shimomura, Y., 2013, “A Method for Service Failure Effects Analysis based on Customer Satisfaction,” In Yamamoto S. (ed.), Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and Interaction for Learning, Culture, Collaboration and Business, 15th International Conference, HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA, Proceedings, Part III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8018, pp 485-494 .
  20. Kimita, K., Kurita, Y., Watanabe, K., Tateyama T. and Shimomura, Y., 2013, “Service Evaluation Method for Managing Uncertainty,” In Yamamoto S. (ed.), Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and Interaction for Learning, Culture, Collaboration and Business, 15th International Conference, HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA, Proceedings, Part III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8018, pp 569-578.
  21. Nishimura, T., Kobayakawa, M., Nakajima, M., Yamada, K. C., Fukuhara, T., Hamasaki, M., Miwa, H., Watanabe, K., Sakamoto, Y., Sunaga, T. and Motomura, Y., 2013, “Participatory Interaction Design for the Healthcare Service Field,” In Marcus, A. (ed.), Design, User Experience, and Usability. Health, Learning, Playing, Cultural, and Cross-Cultural User Experience, Second International Conference, DUXU 2013, Held as Part of HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA, Proceedings, Part II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8013, pp 435-441.
  22. Kurita, Y., Kimita, K., Watanabe, K. and Shimomura, Y., 2013, “Service Failure Effects Analysis based on Customer Perspective,” In Proceedings of the 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conference – IDETC2013 -, The American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME), Portland, U.S.A., CD-ROM.
  23. Watanabe, K., Fukuhara, T., Miwa, H. and Nishimura, T., 2013, “A Unified Approach for Systematic and Participatory Design,” In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED13), Seoul, Korea.
  24. Watanabe, K., Sunaga, T., Kobayakawa, M. and Nishimura, T., 2013, “Activity-based Design in Service Fields: Methodological Comparison with the Engineering Design Approach,” In Proceesings of the 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR2013), Tokyo, Japan.
  25. Watanabe, K., Miwa, H., Kurita, Y., Nishimura, T., and Shimomura, Y., 2013, “Service Process Analysis for the Design of Service Jobs,” In Proceedings of XXIII International RESER Conference, RESER, Aix en Provence, France.
  26. Watanabe, K., Nishimura, T. and Mochimaru, M., 2013, “A Meta-Methodology for Service Process Design,” In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2013), Tokyo Japan.
  27. Watanabe, K., Fujimitsu, S., Harada, Y., Niino, Y., Kobayakawa, M., Yamada, K., Sunaga, T., Sakamoto, Y., Nishimura, T. and Motomura, Y., 2014, “PROPOSAL OF A DESIGN SUPPORT TOOL FOR EMPLOYEES TO REPRESENT SERVICES,” In Proceedings of DESIGN 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  28. Nishimura, T., Miwa, Y., Nagao, T., Watanabe, K., Fukuda, K. and Motomura, Y., 2014, “Proposal of Evaluation Support System of Nursing-Care Service Components,” In Yamamoto S. (ed.), Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and Knowledge Design and Evaluation, 16th International Conference, HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014. Proceedings, Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8521, pp. 613-620.
  29. Miwa, H., Watanabe, K., Fukuhara, T., Nagao, T. and Nishimura, T., 2014, “Proposal of Quality Study for Nursing-Care Service,” In Freund, L., Cellary, W. (eds.), Advances in The Human Side of Service Engineering 2014, Proceedings of the 5th AHFE Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 442-449.
  30. Watanabe, K., Fukuda, K. and Nishimura, T., 2014, “Proposal of a Technology-Assisted Design Methodology for Employee-Driven Innovation,” In Proceedings of XXIV International RESER Conference, RESER, Helsinki, Finland.
  31. Miwa, H., Watanabe, K. and Nishimura, T., 2014, “Computerized Long-term Care Record Effects on Nursing-care Service Processes,” In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2014), Yokohama, Japan.
  32. Watanabe, K., Fukuda, K., Nishimura, T., Motomura, Y. and Mochimaru, M., 2014, “A Strategic Approach to Implement Service Design Activities and Technologies in Service Industries,” In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2014), Yokohama, Japan. (received Outstanding Presentation Award)
  33. Kimita, K., Watanabe, K., Hara, T. and Komoto, H., 2015, “Who Realizes a PSS?: An Organizational Framework for PSS Development,” Procedia CIRP, Vol. 30, pp. 372–377. doi
  34. Watanabe, K. and Mochimaru, M., 2015, “Analysis on Collaborative Development of Meaningful Technologies in Services,” In Proceedings of XXV International RESER Conference, RESER, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  35. Fukuda, K., Watanabe, K., Fukuhara, T., Hamasaki, M., Fujii, R., Horita, M. and Nishimura, T., 2015, “Text-Mining of hand-over notes for care-workers in real operation – Toward an Employee-Driven Innovation,” In Proceedings of HCI International 2015, Los Angels, USA,pp.30-38.
  36. Nishimura, S., Fukuda, K., Watanabe, K., Miwa, H. and Nishimura, T., 2015, “Ontology Development for Interoperable Database to Share Data in Service Fields -Towards evaluation of robotic devices for nursing care-,” In Proceedings of the 5th Joint International Semantic Technology (JIST2015), Yichang, China.
  37. Nishimura, S., Miwa, H., Fukuda, K., Watanabe, K. and Nishimura, T., 2015, “Future Prospects towards Evaluation of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care -Subjective Evaluation and Objective Evaluation-,” In Proceedings of the 2015 JSME/RMD International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM2015), Tokyo, Japan.
  38. Toya, K., Watanabe, K., Tanno, S., Mochimaru, M., 2016, “Internal and External Obstacles of Servitization in Japanese Major Manufacturers,” In Proceedings of Spring Servitization Conference 2016, Manchester, UK.
  39. Watanabe, K., Niemelä, M., Määttä, H., Miwa, H., Fukuda, K., Nishimura, T. and Toivonen, M., 2016, “Meaningful Technology for Seniors: Viewpoints for Sustainable Care Service Systems,” In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2016), Tokyo, Japan. Link
  40. Miwa, H., Watanabe, K., Määttä, H. and Niemelä, M., 2016, “Attitude Survey on Nursing-Care Service – Comparison among Active Seniors, Informal Carers and Formal Carers -,” In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2016), Tokyo, Japan.
  41. Määttä, H., Watanabe, K. and Miwa, H., 2016, “Challenges of Integrating New Technology into Elderly Care Services – Perspectives of Service Provider Companies in Japan,” In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2016), Tokyo, Japan.
  42. Yamada, K., Hope, T., Watanabe, K., Sunaga, T., Kobayakawa, M. and Nishimura, T., 2016, “A Qualitative Comparison of Paper and Electronic Health Records of Nursing in a University Hospital in Japan,” In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2016), Tokyo, Japan.
  43. Nishimura, S., Fukuda, K., Watanabe, K., Miwa, H. and Nishimura, T., 2016, “Ontology Development for Interoperable Database to Share Data in Service Fields,” In Qi, G., Kozaki, K., Pan, J. and Yu, S. (eds) Semantic Technology. JIST 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9544. Springer, Cham.
  44. Toya, K., Watanabe, K., Tanno, S., Mochimaru, M., 2017, “Quantitative Analysis of Obstacles to Servitization of Japanese Firms on FKE Value Co-creation,” In Proceedings of Spring Servitization Conference 2017, Luzern, Switzerland.
  45. Watanabe, K., Hyytinen, K. and Niemelä M., 2017, “Meaningful Technology for Seniors: Analytical Framework for Elderly-Care Service Systems,” In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2017), Vienna, Austria. Link
  46. Miwa, H., Watanabe, K., Määttä, H., Ylikauppila, M. and Niemelä, M., 2017, “Comparison of Japanese and Finnish Attitude Regarding Technology Use in Nursing-care Service,” In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2017), Vienna, Austria.
  47. Fukuda, K., Watanabe, K., Miwa, H., Ylikauppila, M., Lammi, H., Niemelä, M. and Nishimura, T., 2017, “Study on Communication Support for Employees with ICT in Elderly Care,” In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2017), Vienna, Austria.
  48. Watanabe, K., Hyytinen, K., Määttä, T., 2017, “Challenges in Integrating Assistive Technologies into Elderly-Care Services: Comparative Study between Japan and Finland,” In Proceedings of the 27th Annual RESER Conference, Bilbao, Spain.
  49. Iino, N., Nishimura, S., Fukuda, K., Watanabe, K., Kristiina, J. and Nishimura, T., 2017, “Development and Use of an Activity Model Based on Structured Knowledge: A Music Teaching Support System,” In Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), pp. 584-589.
  50. Watanabe, K., 2018, “On-site Knowledge Representation Tool for Employee-Driven Service Innovation,” In Arai, S., Kojima, K., Mineshima, K., Bekki, D., Satoh, K., Ohta, Y. (eds) New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. JSAI-isAI 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10838. Springer, Cham. doi
  51. Jokinen, K., Nishimura, S., Watanabe, K. and Nishimura, T., 2018, “Human-Robot Dialogues for Explaining Activities,” In Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology (IWSDS 2018), Singapore.
  52. Baltaxe-Admony, L. B., Hope, T., Watanabe, K., Teodorescu, M., Kurniawan, M. and Nishimura, T., 2018, “Exploring the Creation of Useful Interfaces for Music Therapists, ” In Proceedings of Audio Mostly 2018, Wrexham, UK.
  53. Watanabe, K., 2018, “International technology transfer for social welfare service system: a case study,” In Proceedings of the 28th Annual RESER Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden.
  54. Miwa, H., Watanabe, K., Ylikauppila, M., Kulju, M. and Niemelä, M., 2018, “Time and Motion Study of Nursing-Care Services in Japan and Finland,” In Proceedings of Joint International Conference of Service Science and Innovation and Serviceology, Taichung, Taiwan.
  55. Watanabe, K. and Fukuda, K., 2019, “Designing Digital Technology for Service Work: Systematic and Participatory Approach,” In Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Design 2019 (ICED19), Delft, The Netherlands. doi
  56. Takenaka, T., Nishikori, H., Watanabe, K. and Nishino, N., 2019, “Re-design of service systems based on employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction and labour productivity,” In Proceedings of the 29th Annual RESER Conference, Ceuta, Spain.
  57. Jokinen, K. and Watanabe, K., 2019, “Boundary-Crossing Robots: Societal Impact of Interactions with Socially Capable Autonomous Agents,” In Proceedings of International Conference on Social Robotics (pp. 3-13). Springer, Cham. doi
  58. Watanabe, K., Kishita, Y., Tsunetomo, K. and Takenaka, T., 2020, “Socially-Conscious Service System Design in the Digital Era: Research Agenda,” In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2020) (pp. 266-274). Springer, Singapore. doi
  59. Miwa, H. and Watanabe, K., 2020, “Toward Service Process Improvement in Nursing-Care Services: Application of Behavior Measurement,” In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2020) (pp. 253-265). Springer, Singapore.
  60. Watanabe, K. and Jokinen, K., 2020, “Interactive Robotic Systems as Boundary-Crossing Robots – the User’s View,” In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2020), Online.
  61. Watanabe, K., Kishita, Y. and Tsunetomo, K., 2020, ”Conceptual design framework for digital technology assisted service system,” In Akama, Y., Fennessy, L., Harrington S., Farrago, A. (eds.), ServDes.2020: Tensions, Paradoxes, Plurality (pp. 190-202). Linköping University Electronic Press, Melbourne, Australia. Link
  62. Tsunetomo, K., Watanabe, K. and Kishita, Y., 2021, “Scenario-Based Design Process for Digital Technology Assisted Service System,” In Proceedings of the 30th Annual RESER Conference, Madrid, Spain (online).
  63. Miwa, H., Watanabe, K., Itoh, S., Ikeuchi, T. and Wakui, T., 2021, “Analysis on interaction experiences with intelligent technology and preference of technology use in nursing care,” In Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2021), Online. doi
  64. Ijuin, K., Ogata, K., Watanabe, K., Miwa, H. and Yamamoto, Y., 2021, “Proposing Remote Video Conversation System “PARAPPA”: Delivering the Gesture and Body Posture with Rotary Screen,” In Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2021), Online. doi
  65. Watanabe, K., Matsumura, Y., Matsuyama, A., Miwa, H. and Takenaka, T., 2021, “Servitization for workplace wellbeing: concept and research agenda,” In Proceedings of the 31st Annual RESER Conference, Heilbronn, Germany (online).
  66. Itoh, S., Watanabe, K., Miwa, H., Ikeuchi, T. and Wakui, T., 2021, “Factors related to Acceptance to Use Care Technologies for Bathing among Middle-Aged Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study,” In Proceedings of Medinfo 2021 (online).
  67. Watanabe, K., Ho, B., Otsuki, M., Kishita, Y., Kobayakawa, M., 2022, “Human Augmentation Technology for Teleworking in Service/Non-Service Industries: A Survey in Japan, ” In Leitner, C., Ganz, W., Bassano, C., Bassano, C., Satterfield, D. (eds.) The Human Side of Service Engineering. AHFE (2022) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, Vol 62. AHFE International, USA. doi
  68. Watanabe, K., Ho, B., Kishita, Y., Kobayakawa, M., Otsuki, M., 2022, “Designing future vision of augmented workstyles: project reflection,” In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual RESER Conference, Paris, France.
  69. Watanabe, K., Akasaka, F., Mitake, Y., Kojima, K., 2023, “Social Lab: Toward Value-Driven R&D&I in Collaboration with Citizens,” In Cipolla, C., Mont’Alvão, C., Farias, L., Quaresma, M. (eds.), ServDes.2023 Entanglements & Flows Conference: Service Encounters and Meanings (pp. 1241-1258). Linköping University Electronic Press, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. doi
  70. Akasaka, F., Mitake, Y., Watanabe, K., Nishikawa, Y., Ozawa, J., 2023, “Digital Future Design: Designing Digital Service Systems based on Future Visions,” In Cipolla, C., Mont’Alvão, C., Farias, L., Quaresma, M. (eds.), ServDes.2023 Entanglements & Flows Conference: Service Encounters and Meanings (pp. 1277-1298). Linköping University Electronic Press, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. doi
  71. Mitake, Y., Akasaka, F., Watanabe, K., 2023, “”A conceptual framework of roadmapping for digital service systems in smart cities,” In Cipolla, C., Mont’Alvão, C., Farias, L., Quaresma, M. (eds.), ServDes.2023 Entanglements & Flows Conference: Service Encounters and Meanings (pp. 1139-1150). Linköping University Electronic Press, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. doi
  72. Watanabe, K., Otsuki, M., Kobayakawa, M., Kishita, Y., Ho, B. Q., 2024, “Acting out in real and virtual environments: comparative analysis for future workstyle design,” In Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2024: Exploratory Papers and Workshops – Volume 2 (PDC ’24), Vol. 2. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 73–80. doi
  73. Watanabe, K., Miwa, H., Kajitani, I., 2024, “Guidance development for assessing assistive technologies in care fields: lessons learnt,” In Proceedings of the 34th Annual RESER Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
  74. Ho, B. Q., Osawa, K., Watanabe, K., Okuma, T., 2024, “Developing a Servicescape Framework for the Interverse: Promoting Value Co-Creation across Real and Virtual Worlds,” In Proceedings of the 34th Annual RESER Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
  75. Park, J., Watanabe, K., 2024, “Assessing Living Labs’ Impact on Smart City Readiness: A Quantitative Framework from Japanese and Korean Case Studies,” In Proceedings of the 34th Annual RESER Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
  76. Osawa, K., Ho, B. Q., Watanabe, K., 2024, “Examining RRI process of interverse services: Focusing on an ELSI response of business operators,” In Proceedings of the 34th Annual RESER Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
  77. Miwa, H., Watanabe, K., 2024, “Acceptability of technology use for data collection in nursing care and healthcare services,” In Proceedings of the 34th Annual RESER Conference, Helsinki, Finland.

IV. Commentary, Other Articles

  1. Sunaga, T., Kobayakawa, M., Yamada, K. C., Watanabe, K., Niino, Y. and Nishimura, T., 2013, “Voluntary Development for Co-design Project : Towards Designing within the Society,” Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 886-892 (in Japanese).
  2. Watanabe, K., Kuroda, T., Fukuda, T., Miwa, H., Nishimura, T. and Motomura, Y., 2013, “Toward a User-driven Approach for Service Design : User-driven Product/Activity Design,” Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 918-923 (in Japanese).
  3. Watanabe, K., 2014, “Present and Future of Creative Design – Consideration from the Outsider’s Viewpoint,” Special Issue of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp.30-35 (in Japanese).
  4. Watanabe, K. and Tanno, S., 2016, “The Round-table Talk about Servitization in Manufacturing Industry,” Serviceology, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 24-32 (in Japanese).
  5. Leroi, I., Watanabe, K., Hird, N. and Sugihara, T., 2018, ““Psychogeritechnology” in Japan: Exemplars from a super‐aged society,” Commentary, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Vol. 33, Issue 12, pp. 1531-1532. doi
  6. Watanabe, K. et al., 2020, Augmented Telework -Technologies for a New Workstyle in a Post-Corona Society, link
  7. Kobayakawa, M., Watanabe, K. and Sunaga, T., 2021, Three Types of Co-creation that Drive Co-design – A Case Study of the Projects for Recovery of Emotional Expression in the Practice of Care –, Kansei Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 79-86 (in Japanese). doi
  8. Kovacic, M., Watanabe, K., 2022, “The Role of Thing-Making Cultures in Japan’s Manufacturing Industry: Toward Social Robots and Super Smart Society in the Digitalization-Servitization Shift,” SSRN. doi

V. Invited Speech

  1. Watanabe, K., 2016, “Toward Meaningful Technology for Seniors: Our Collaborative Research Activities,” UniPID & FinCEAL+ Seminar: Science, Technology and Innovation Crossroads – Global Lessons from Cooperation among Academia, Private and Third Sectors, Helsinki, Finland.
  2. Watanabe, K., 2017, “Meaningful Technology in Elderly-care Service Systems: Comparative Study between Japan and Finland,” Seminar on Meaningful Technologies for Daily Life Seniors in Japan and Finland, Lahti, Finland.
  3. Watanabe, K., 2018, “How to design AI for society,” Global AI Narratives Workshop, Tokyo Japan.
  4. Watanabe, K., 2018, “Work changes and the role of technology: remarks from a Japanese perspective,” eHealth Revolution and Changing Work, Espoo, Finland.
  5. Watanabe, K., 2019, “Integrating technology into the elderly care system: a Japanese perspective,” ROSE (Robotit ja hyvinvointipalvelujen tulevaisuus) Project seminar, Espoo, Finland.
  6. Watanabe, K., 2020, ”Urban digitalization and robotization in Japan,” International workshop -Urban Robotic Experimentation: International Insights, UK-RAS network, Sheffield, UK.
  7. Watanabe, K., 2020, ”Recent trend on care technology in Japan,” Hyteairo International Webinar, Finland.
  8. Watanabe, K., 2020, ”Augmented teleworking for sustainable work,” IEEE InTech Forum 2020 (online).
  9. Watanabe, K., 2021, “Augmented teleworking toward the post-corona society,” Korea Society of IT Service 2021 Fall Conference (online).
  10. Watanabe, K., 2023, “What should care technology developers do for successful implementation? a service system view,” IAGG2023, Yokohama, Japan.
  11. Watanabe, K., 2024, “How to promote AI Care for older adults? – Current status in Japan and service engineering approach,” 2024 Symposium of the Center for AI in Health and Care at SNU AI Institute (online).

VI. Confernce Presentation, Poster etc. (International)

  1. Watanabe, K., and Nishimura, T., 2015, “Employee-driven Design Activities for Services: a Case Study in Elderly-care,” AHFE2015, Las Vegas, NV.
  2. Watanabe, K., Miwa, H., Nishimura, S., Fukuda, K., and Nishimura T., 2016, “Human-Centred Database Technology for the Elderly,” ISG2016, Nice, France.
  3. Watanabe, K., Niemelä, M., and Mochimaru, M., 2019, “Shaping the Global Network for Technology-Assisted Welfare Service Systems,” Frontiers in Service 2019, Singapore.
  4. Watanabe, K., 2019, “Socially-Conscious Service System Design in the Era of Digital Transformation,” Marketplace, International Conference on Engineering Design 2019 (ICED19), Delft, The Netherlands.
  5. Watanabe , K., 2021, “Society for Serviceology and the research on digitalization and service innovation,” RESER-SFS SPECIAL SESSION Cross-cultural aspects of digitalization and service innovation (Joint session with Society for Serviceology), the 30th Annual RESER Conference, Madrid, Spain (online).
  6. Watanabe, K., 2021, “Avatar-mediated service encounter and its impact after COVID-19,” the 7th Naples Forum on Service 2021, Capri, Italy (online).
  7. Watanabe, K., 2022, “Augmented telework with avatar technology: Impact on workplace and required actions,” the 6th International Conference on Wellbeing at Work (online).
  8. Watanabe, K., 2022, “What promotes or hinders care technology integration? -technology developers’ view,” the 22nd World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG 2022) (online).
  9. Ohyama, J., Otsuki, M., Tanaka, H., Watanabe, K., Meguro, S., Miura, S., Hisanaga, I., Isoda, K., Matsuyama, A., Tanaka, M., Niida, S., Tojo, N., Kawanishi, H., Miura, Y., Miyake, T., Mochimaru, M., 2024, “Evaluation of a Concept of Developing Daily Experience Database Using Virtual Proof-of-Concept Experiment in Shopping Use Case,” The joint 34th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & the 29th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE 2024), Tsukuba, Japan (received Best Poster Award).

VII. Workshop

  1. Tateyama, T., Mikoshiba, S., Chiba, R., Watanabe, K., Shimomura, Y. and Kawata, S., 2010, “A Simulation Tool for Service Visualization and Service Evaluation,” In Proceedings of the 10th Japan Korea Workshop on CAD/CAM -Design Engineering Workshop-, pp. 135-138.
  2. Oki, K., Kurita, Y., Watanabe, K., Chiba, R. and Shimomura, Y., 2010, “Supporting System using Multiple Domain Knowledge for Customer Requirements in Service Design,” In Proceedings of the 10th Japan Korea Workshop on CAD/CAM -Design Engineering Workshop-, pp. 139-142.
  3. Watanabe, K., Fukuhara, T., Miwa, H. and Nishimura, T., 2013, “Toward User-driven Product / Activity Design for Health-care Services,” In Proceedings of The 4th international workshop on Infrastructures for Healthcare: Action Research, Interventions, and Participatory Design, Tromso, Norway.
  4. Watanabe, K., Nishimura, T., Niino, Y., Kobayakawa, M., Yamada, K., Sunaga, T. and Motomura, Y., 2013, “UPAD Toolkit for Service Design,” Innovative Design Contest, Design Engineering Workshop 2013, Fukuoka, Japan (received Best Innovative Design Award).
  5. Miwa, H., Watanabe, K., Fukuda, K. and Nishimura, T., 2015, “Measurement of Nursing-Care Service Process in Japan and Finland,” In Proceedings of HAT-MASH2015.
  6. Watanabe, K. and Nishimura, T., 2015, “Employee-driven Design Activities in an Elderly-care Facility: a Case Study,” In Proceedings of HAT-MASH2015.
  7. Fukuda, K., Nishimura, S., Watanabe, K. and Nishimura, T., 2015, “Analyze operation data in elderly care facilities for better services,” In Proceedings of HAT-MASH2015.
  8. Hope, T., Watanabe, K. and Yamada, K., 2015, “Electronic Health Records and the Co-creation of Elderly Care in Japan,” In Proceedings of HAT-MASH2015.
  9. Yamada, K., Watanabe, K., Hope, T., Sunaga, T., Kobayakawa, M., Nishimura, T., Sakamoto, Y. and Motomura, Y., 2015, “Co-design Project for a nursing information system at a University Hospital in Japan,” In Proceedings of HAT-MASH2015.
  10. Watanabe, K., 2016, “A study on service system design for elderly-care based on ICT,” In 2016 MOST&JST-ICT for Accessibility and Support of the Elderly.
  11. Watanabe, K., Niemelä, M., Miwa, H., Fukuda, K. and Nishimura, T., 2016, “METESE Project: Technology for Sustainable Care Service Systems,” in Proceedings of HAT-MASH2016.
  12. Miwa, H., Watanabe, K., Määttä, H. and Niemelä, M., 2016, “Attitude Survey on Technology Use in Japanese Nursing-care Service,” in Proceedings of HAT-MASH2016.
  13. Watanabe, K., 2017, “On-site Knowledge Representation System for Service Employees,” in Proceedings of kNeXI2017.