Publication of the Handbook of Service Experience

The Handbook of Service Experience, a book in which I contributed as an author, has been published. With three leading scholars in the field of service management—Prof. Per Kristensson, Prof. Lars Witell, and Prof. Mohamed Zaki—serving as editors, this has been an excellent opportunity for me. I hope that researchers and practitioners working to enhance service experiences across various industries will find this book valuable.

I contributed to the following two chapters:

  • Human augmentation technology as a driver of enhanced service experiences: This chapter explores the impact of human augmentation technology on customer-employee interactions (service encounters) in service settings. As this topic sits at the intersection of my organization’s focus and my research expertise, I put great effort into writing it.
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  • Co-designing sustainable product–service systems: In collaboration with Prof. Kishita, with whom I have conducted joint research for many years, this chapter discusses the design of product–service systems that consider social value.
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